Big Idea Testing

Build out and optimise your sustainable ideas, earlier in the process, through intuitive and reflective thinking.

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When developing sustainable, transformational strategies, it is important to adopt a ‘test and learn’ mindset where you learn early on what people think about your idea, as well as the intuitive and reflective opportunities and barriers in-market. Using the latest in behavioural science thinking, this tool has a unique measure known as the ‘feeling of rightness’ that is pivotal in understanding choice and how well your idea might alter consumer decision making.

Barbara Schandl, Mondelez“The Big Idea Test helped my team to identify in a very simple and intuitive way of identifying if we are on to something. It captures very well the Intuitive and Reflective thinking which we all know is essential when making a decision. I really like the approach behind it as it is based on latest thinking from behavioral sciences and this is the future for us as Insights Leaders.”

Key features

Sustainable and disruptive idea testing

This behaviour-centric tool puts consumer learning early in the proposition development process.

A tool for learning, not concept testing

Learn how to improve and execute your idea, rather than relying on ‘go’ or ‘no go’ metrics.

Unlocks new thinking

This tool is designed to help you unlock new thinking about closing the Value Action Gap earlier in the innovation process.

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