Data Solutions

Build on existing research by integrating data such as ad exposure, enhanced consumer profiles and behavioural data.
person photographing cityscape

Ask less while learning more

Learn more about your target audience and segments by using data that we’ve collected or connected to our respondent profiles.

Directly collect and measure

As well as self-reported data, we provide direct measurement of purchase, behavioural data and advertising exposure.

Collect and connect to maximise investment

Connect our data to your CRM data, transaction records or third party platform to make the most of every asset.

Use our data with confidence

Our private network is carefully permissioned for full consumer transparency, informed choice and regulatory compliance.
Featured solutions
Using third-party data, we can make today’s surveys mobile, enjoyable and engaging... while still digging deeper.
Enhance your online advertising effectiveness and gain deeper understanding of the people viewing your ads.
Enhance your datasets and boost the value of research investments by connecting real people profiles to other sources.

Also within Research Services