Winning with innovation

Can big organisations innovate better than a start-up? Download our report to find out.
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Winning with innovation
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Dr Nicki

Global Innovation Lead, Kantar

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The competitive and uncertain marketplace of today means that innovation has never been more important as a route to growth. Lean and agile innovation inspired by start-up approaches is a key enabler of success – if it’s done in the right way.

Although start-ups are often skilled at getting products out to market at pace, they can miss critical learnings that would increase their chances of success. You need to move at speed, but you can do this whilst also building in the right amount of consumer insight into the process.

Kantar’s paper, Winning with Innovation, outlines a new paradigm for innovation and the approaches bigger businesses should take to learn better than a start-up.

Download the full paper to learn more.

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