Market Structure

A product segmentation based on real purchase behaviour data.

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Market Structure is a product segmentation of the products within a category based on actual purchase behaviour. How consumers segment the category rather than how retailers segment it. The analysis maps out a tree structure which shows how products are related to each other. This solution can help to understand how to layout the shelf as well as identify whitespace for NPD.  

Key features

Improve Customer Fixtures

Market Structure will identify key groupings of products that should be ranged together on fixture. A well-organised fixture will make product selection easier for shoppers removing barriers to purchase. 

Know How to Rationalise Your Portfolio

Understanding the performance and role of all products in each part of the structure is crucial in leading ranging discussions. Assess which products address the same requirements and so can be legitimately removed. 

Have a Shopper-Based Angle to Boost Listing & NPD Arguments

Opportunities for new listings can emerge if your range does not cover some parts of the structure. Improve your portfolio planning by understanding gaps and opportunities.

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