Early-stage creative testing with Tropicana proves the juice is worth the squeeze

Discover how a leading orange juice brand leveraged early-stage creative testing for in-market success.


Tropicana is the leading orange juice brand in the US. After assessing some legacy TV assets with LINK+ on Kantar Marketplace, it was determined that the concepts lacked connection to the brand and were not well-positioned to support short-term sales or long-term equity.

Tropicana decided to pursue a new campaign idea, utilizing Kantar’s LINK Creative effectiveness solutions among others to aid the development of executions on this new campaign from early stage to finished film.


Early-stage work began with assessment of animatic ads via LINK+ (in conjunction with focus groups led by Kantar). This collaboration resulted in the discovery of a foundational insight that was felt to be highly differentiating for the brand.

Tropicana leaned into this insight and Kantar’s recommendations on how to implement it within their creative:

They developed storyboard versions of their new ideas and then fully finished ads, all tested via LINK+ (Storyboard / TV).

For each round of testing, Kantar also leveraged the LINK+ boosting feature to capture results among Tropicana’s key growth target. Historically, assets had more limited performance among this group.


Throughout the development of the unfinished ads, Kantar continued to make recommendations on how to execute on this differentiating foundational insight.

One example of such recommendations included script changes to create a more explicit connection between the Tropicana brand and the insight. This was discovered during the initial animatic phase and updated prior to testing the subsequent storyboards and finished films.


For their new campaign, Tropicana successfully developed 3 final format TV assets. The LINK+ results for these finished TV ads substantially improved from earlier rounds of testing:

Stronger likelihood for short- and long-term success was a result of the effective execution on the foundational insight that helped improve brand memorability and meaningfully different positioning of the Tropicana brand.

In addition to improvements among the total audience, Tropicana was able to move the needle among their key growth target, uncovering learnings for how to engage this group in future creative as well.

Tropicana earned recognition from Ad Age for their new campaign’s creative strategy.

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